The Impact
We The Interwoven, Volume 2
Nominated for consideration as an All Iowa Reads selection
Featured on Culture Buzz with John Busbee
Sarah Elgatian's essay from the book was published in July in the Yerevan's Armenian National Newspaper
Ajla Dizdaravic has begun tutoring Burmese Refugees in her hometown of Waterloo
Dawson Davenport read his story at the Meskawki Powwow
Sarah Elgatian was featured alongside editor Andrea Wilson on Talk of Iowa with Charity Nebbe
Anthony Mielke has opened doors with his Puerto Rican family in New York that will inform his family counseling work at Mount Mercy University
The Iowa Department of Human Rights division of Latino Affairs has earmarked Antonia Rivera for a future highlight at an event
We the Interwoven:
An Anthology of Bicultural Iowa
Candidate for the "One Community, One Book" program of the UI Center for Human Rights
Chosen discussion book for the City High United Latina Association (CHULA)
Recommended as a National Standardized Test Excerpt Passage
Sold out twice during its first printing
A Platform for the Voices of Tomorrow
Invited as a presenter for Des Moines Gallery 218
Mentored by Claudia McGhee, Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators
Presenter, Des Moines Arts Festival
Selected as an international delegate by the Filipino Embassy of the United States
Invited to represent the Filipino American National Historical Society at their National Conference
Selected as a presenter for the Examined Life Conference— the Intersection of Writing & Medicine
Selected as a 2018 Notable Honorable by the University of Iowa Honors Program
Invited for book Publication Proposal with the University of Iowa Press
Honored by the City High United Latina Association (CHULA)
Invited as a presenter for Des Moines Gallery 218
Presenter, Mission Creek Literary Walk 2019